I deem it a great honor and a singular privilege to present you the annual report for the 2014.
The results are promising but still long path ahead of us to continue.
Two major achievements we had this year; Expansion of health service provision from 78 health facility to 124 health facilities and the second is quality Health service provision through getting Quality Assurance Training and application, Partnership Defined Quality training and application ,PDQ, and standard Based Management. Still we must enhance our engagement in quality service provision. We are working in strategically challenging environments and the neediest parts of the country where the maternal mortality rates are the highest. Despite all that we got significant progress and it is attributed to having very committed and dedicated teams who all together make a whole, a critical mass contributing to the development of our country. With commitment and honesty still as our watchword, performance excellence will continue to be real. This is becoming a reality and evidence abounds for all to see.
We must continue to reinforce the values of the organization and set the appropriate ‘tone from the top. ‘As a board we have, over the year, looked at the way we operate and taken steps to improve the way in which we work so that we are able to respond, particularly to the strategic challenges that are facing the group.
I am pleased to report that as a team we have made good progress over the year in health but still we must not be complacent and must go beyond.
I appreciate the teamwork approach which is bringing added dimension to our management and brought complementary set of skills. If we only do what we know we can do- we never do very much. If we can find a path with no obstacle, it probably doesn’t lead to anywhere. We must never shun challenges and must be ready to embraces it. One that would have the fruit must climb the tree and every accomplishment starts with a decision to try. Now in this arena of strong competition we are to make more efforts to bring about quality and diversified work. In fact quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. So did CAF to step these paths and the success we got must be kept to an ascending pattern and not an oscillatory. Our donors and stakeholders have been supportive, committed and I look forward to their continued support for which not only CAF but the whole Afghan community is thankful.
It is highly worth mentioning to say on behalf of CAF I pray to the sacred souls of those friends who have lost their life for the sake of helping the deserved people and asks from the Almighty God the compassion, mercy and peace. I thank all those who, without them we could not made the progress; have made the efforts to reach the progress.
May God bless us and guide us steps to greater success
Mohammad Naim Rassa
General Director
For Downloading of CAF 2014 annual reports please click the following link. CAF Annual Report 2014